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Friday, January 10, 2020

Mathematics and Science Learning Framework for the Higher Education System with the help of Mathematical tools

Mathematics and Science Learning Framework for the Higher Education System with the help of Mathematical tools

Abstract :- In this age of competition, it is necessary to change the study of Mathematics and Science in schools from time to time to keep students updated. Keeping this fact in mind, this research paper is a new way for teaching Science and Mathematics in classes from 9th to 12th in schools. Presented as effort.The research paper presented is a new effort to pursue the school curriculum approved by the School Education Department as a competitor for students in schools.In this endeavor, methods of imparting knowledge have been changed by following the basic principles without altering the accepted syllabus. To strengthen the basis of knowledge, it has been advocated for the importance of changes in school time table.Some additional disciplinary procedures have been added to teaching methods in which the level of meaningfulness of science and mathematics teaching can be elevated. In the proposed research paper, an attempt has been made to present the teaching process in a practical way.

Keywords :- Competition, Effort, Syllabus, Endeavor.

Research Objectives

1) To prepare new options for the academic achievement of mathematics and science subjects of students studying from 9th to 12th.

2) To create a competitive environment for mathematics and science subjects at upper secondary level.

3) To study the lessons keeping in mind the syllabus of competitive examination from the higher secondary level itself.

4) To prepare new academic time table for students to study.

5) To inculcate the habit of preparing students for competitive examination at upper secondary level.


Mathematics and science subjects have special importance in school curriculum. Both these subjects are the basis of competitive syllabus. Students who keep themselves updated on these subjects are successful.

1) At the higher secondary level, academic achievement will increase by editing the work as per the study option presented in the paper.

2) From the higher secondary level, the student will be able to get the technical knowledge of the competitive examination.

3) This paper will help in creation of new academic timetable in schools at higher secondary level.

4) The student will have the opportunity to assess himself as a competitor.

5) Meaningful difference in pre-teaching process and research paper teaching process will be clear.

Delimitation- The academic methodology in this paper is limited to students studying from 9th to 12th level of higher secondary level.

Research process

Research Method: - The research paper presented is observation based, in which the matter of choosing a new option for better implementation of the subject of Mathematics and Science at school level has been strongly stated.

Sample: - The school timetable and teaching days have been selected for classes from 9th to 12th of a school to visualize the proposed research paper.

Tools: - The following tools have been used for this research.

1) Determination of study days within the educational environment - Edited by Vikas vidya niketan Visakhapatnam

2) Determination of study routines under the educational environment - Edited by VidyaVikasniketan Visakhapatnam

3) Variable   

                (1) independent variable-teaching process

                (2) Dependent variable-academic achievement


Based on the use of PMI method in the analysis-presented research process, the significance of the difference between the current academic environment and the academic environment described in the research paper is shown.

Hypothesis 1

For the academic achievement of Mathematics and Science subjects in the study process in schools, the educational routines of the students need to be classified in the following ways. On a whole day, we divide the total 24 hours into the hours of academic achievement as follows.

Apart from studying in school, the student has 6 hours and should be converted into beneficial hours as follows.

Educational routine

Academic Hours (2 hours)

Guidance Hours (2 hours)

Self Study Hours (2 hours)

Study of Syllabus related to Competitive Examination

Study with Guidance from teacher's or parent's

Solving question's of self assessment school and Competitive curriculum

Based on this schedule,  A total of 40 students were analyzed in PMI method by selecting 10 students from each class from 9th to 12th of Government Higher Secondary School Toresingha.

PMI method procedure






P = 1,2........10

M = 1,2.......10

I = P - M

1) When the value of intrest is positive, there is enthusiasm in the students towards the new teaching method.

2) There is positive interest in the students if the value is more than +5.

3) There is great enthusiasm in the students when the value is more than +8.

4) The students have anorexia when the value of intrest is negative.

5) Less than -5 students have declined.

Hypothesis 2

A meaningful difference in teaching habits will be found by classifying the teaching days in schools as follows.

Proposed Study day table





Study day

1.Teacher's and Student's do not have holidays

2.Special leave with special permission

3.Detailed study of major subjects




Revision day

1. Solve the doubt's of the first three days

2.Remedial education


Evaluation day

Evaluation of study material taught in first three days


Result day

Publication of Evaluation result

Prizes for enthusiasm


Free day

Student's have complete freedom to spend all day at will.

Students and teachers complete the study process from the syllabus point of view. If they study the teaching-learning process in the school from the perspective of the competition and understand the details of the competitive course, then their personality will be stronger.

Hypothesis 3

To make the study process more effective by connecting it to the activities of Mathematics and Science in schools, the following physical changes need to be made in the school's form.

School Required Physical details

Change Side



Science Room

The Student will learn the phenomena under science at this place other than the laboratory by observing the projector model with the help of equipment

Resources should be arranged at the Government level

 Discovery Point

Student will be able to demonstrate the child experiment they have discovered

Every15 days the subject of students should be awakened by the topic of search


Science and Mathematical scince books library with internet

Books and internet arrangements should be made at school level

Need Point

Information platform in the school where students can make demands according to their needs

It should be directly related to the Education department


For student who have done well in Mathematical Science and Science subject for appreciation letters ,wall writing etc.

Arrangements should be made at school level


Lecture at the school level of students who have achieved Specific Success by Succeeding in Science and Mathematics subject enthusiastic student will benefit.

Arrangements should be made at school level

The above physical activities will inculcate a curiosity towards science and mathematics in the student's mind. He / she will feel attached to the syllabus of the competitive examination. The fact that the study facilitates the study process will prove to be true.

The Conclusion

                           The activities presented in the presented paper should be edited and if the principal's cooperation is received and appreciated by the students, the following better results will be obtained.

1) In schools, students will be able to easily learn the solutions to the competitive syllabus of Mathematics and Science.

2) Developing increased interest will increase the attendance of students in schools.

3) Students will gain confidence in mathematics and science.

4) Students' study habits will improve.

5) The students will get meaningful difference in aptitude by teaching them in the earlier methods and methods mentioned in the paper.

 For the submitted paper, the Vikas Vidyaniketan school located in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh has been visited. The routine of teaching system is based on the subject of the paper. All aspects are included in this school for students to study.

A better timetable has been devised to keep students engaged in studies. Actually this is an experiment in which students have been given a disciplined environment for 4 years from 9th to 12th. Children's friends are teachers, if such If education is given everywhere, the results will have a better effect.

For better results, students need to study in a time-bound manner and stay in the discipline. One should concentrate like a soldier to achieve the goal.

This school day time cycle will be like a miracle for teaching mathematics and science studies. We can arouse interest in the subject in children from 9th to 12th. This teaching system allows students to compare teachers with teachers earlier Will bring you closer.

Current school day timetable

Proposed school day timetable

Traditional school day timetable, pathetic performance of students, frustration, failure in the functioning of the old system

New school day timetable shows enthusiasm of students in new system working, record success

Children's talent is lost in the traditional way

The new system increases the enthusiasm of the students

Accountability of teachers weak in traditional timetable

Accountability of teachers prevails in new timetable

Mental pressure, levelless education, disappointment, failure

Enthusiastic atmosphere, discipline, natural environment, success, higher education leve


Based on the research findings, the following suggestion is presented.

1) The above mentioned activities of Mathematics and Science in the school, which are helpful for increasing the student's aptitude, should be laid down solid rules so that it can be implemented in all schools.

2) For the educational development of science and mathematics, the content related to the syllabus of competitive examination should be included as much as possible.

3) Teaching teachers should be given adequate training in terms of how to teach competitive courses with new methods.

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Name:- Anil Kumar Pradhan

(Mathematical Science)

Phd Scholar

Kalinga University Raipur (C.G.)

Mobile -90091 30780


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